Friday, September 28, 2012

Citrasolv And National Geographic

So this is what stumps people most in my work, Well here it is! Valencia Orange Citrasolv. I don't think you can walk into a store and get it, I ordered mine off of the Jerry's Artrama website for about 30 dollars a bottle. You can also get it in a spray bottle.

This is probably the least effort you'll put into something this cool. And this is just what I usually use it for. Check out the link below to see other tutorials and galleries of other artist's work involving citrasolv.

1. Gather unwanted National Geographics or subscribe for a steady supply. It only works on National geographic as far as i've found. You can check at bookstores, libraries, and thrift stores too.
2. You can tear the pages out like I do or just leave them in the magazine. Either way will work just fine. You want pictures with lots of bright colors and maybe some with just the text mixed in, it's kind of a grab bag, you don't know what you're gonna get.
3. You should do this outside, The orange smell is overwhelming. Also, keep it away from your animals and don't wear nice clothing. Sometimes it's messy.
4. Unless you have the spray bottle, you should poke a small hole in the paper seal. The smaller the hole the more control you'll have. A toothpick worked good for me.
5. Generously sprinkle or spray each page. You don't have to be perfect here. If you tore them out stack them on top of eachother. I usually leave them stacked overnight but you can pull them apart after a couple hours and let them dry that way. The second option is more messy, but you can get cool designs from pulling them apart. It's best to try things out and see what suits you, the options are pretty much endless.
If you guys try this out i'd love to see what you do with it. Post it to my facebook page if you'd like to show me!